Hey! Now I’m a third year!

Well, I guess sticking to it pays off – today is officially the Lounge‘s second birthday!

Beating Sword Art Online.png

I’d originally planned a much longer entry in the more traditional style…  all about the stats and stuff, but what the h_ll.  Nobody wants to read all that stuff anyhow.  Right?

And besides, that makes it all about me…  and it’s not all about me after all.  It’s also all about the readers, commenters, folks who’ve linked to me, folks who’ve retweeted my posts…  all the folks (and they’re way too many to list) who work so hard to make me look better than I am.  Without all of you, there’d be no community.  Without all you do, this community wouldn’t rock as hard as it does.

A huge heartfelt thank you goes out to all of you!

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Ok, speech over – time to paaaar-tay!  The bar is open and drinks are on the house!

18 thoughts on “Hey! Now I’m a third year!”

  1. Aww, happy second anniversary!

    And also a tip to the hat to Mage in a Barrell, the origin of the name of this blog, now dormant and infrequently errupting.

    You’ve made this place your own, though. Cheers for another year (and hoping for good new shows to watch in 2019).

    Liked by 3 people

  2. My goodness, has it been 3 years already? How time flies!

    In any case, congratulations on the anniversary and kudos to you for sticking with it for so long! I’m always a bit sad I haven’t been able to drop by a comment more often, but it really does warm my heart to see what you’ve created and to know that I played some small part in inspiring it. Here’s to many more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s my second anniversary – so now I’m starting my 3rd year. (The joke made sense in my head at the time I wrote it.)

      Thanks senpai!


    1. Thanks!

      Slides drink across bar Never could understand folks who drank that… My mom drinks gin & tonic & lime shudder

      I think I’ll have a wee dram of my Glenlivet 18. Lovely stuff.


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