In my backyard – Alien Worlds

(Original image courtesy of NASA.)

The week after Christmas, we had a snowstorm here…  Looking at the snow in the raking light of early morning, the landscape (snowscape?) reminded me of some of the photographs of other planets from NASA probes in the 1960’s.

So, as sometimes happens, I thought I’d share my photographs here.  Hit the jump if you’re curious.

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Sentai Spring Sale – an experiment in unboxing

Anime Unboxing
Like many people, I spent a little money on Sentai’s recent Spring Sale…  They always have great bargains on DVD’s and BD’s.  When the box dropped on my doorstep yesterday, I decided to try something new – shooting a series of unboxing photographs.

How did it turn out?  Hit the jump and find out!
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Empty but for memory

I hope you’ll forgive an occasional side-trip into something other than anime…  Anyhow, an image from six years ago popped up in my Facebook memories this morning, and I was gripped by the need to re-edit it.

Below is my new version, the original version is after the jump.

To provide context:  This was originally posted to Facebook a couple of days after I returned home from my dad’s funeral.

Today’s version.

The original title and caption:

Empty but for memory

This is a the last of a long line of Dad’s chairs. This is not how I remember Dad’s chair. This is not how I want to think about Dad’s chair.

I remember him sitting there… Coffee or beer, newspaper, remote, and ashtray (back before he quit, much too late) near to hand. Kids, grandkids, and cousins on his knee. Watching benevolently as we scrambled beneath the Christmas tree and he struggled to wake up. Relaxing after work. Cooling off after chores or projects. Cursing politicians. Berating referees. Cheering when his team made a play, or howling when the opposing team made a better play.

Laughing. Crying. Living. Loving. That’s how I’ll remember this chair.

Goodbye Dad.

In Memoriam, H Dean Lyons 5/29/1939-1/6/2012

After the jump, the original image and some thoughts on the re-edit.

Continue reading “Empty but for memory”